Debunking the myth of white foods

What are White foods?

Foods that are all white are named “white foods.” Nowadays, refined and highly processed foods are called “white foods.” Both healthy and unhealthy foods are included in the white food category. After all, you have to make the right choice about its nutritional benefits.

Healthy White foods – To add to the diet

Dairy products

Nowadays, there are a lot of myths revolving around milk and its byproducts, stating that they have no benefits. Yes, it is true when it is added with a lot of sugar or some other unhealthy food material while consuming it, but when you consume it naturally, it gives a lot of health benefits.

Milk and its byproducts, like cheese, and yogurt, provide calcium and protein. Yogurt is a rich probiotic food that contains beneficial bacteria that help digestion. It also provides potassium, phosphorus, and riboflavin to strengthen your bones. Add milk and its products to your daily routine with minimal sugar to get its benefits.

White vegetables


Mushroom is rich in fibre. It is a treat for vegetarian lovers. It provides antioxidants that help cure certain health conditions like cancer, cardiac diseases, and to some extent of, Alzheimer’s disease.

Turnips, and Parsnips

white foods

Generally, root vegetables are high in calories and cant be consumed by diabetic persons, but it is low in calories and rich in fibre and vitamin C.

White Beans

White beans provide protein and soluble fibre. It has antioxidants and produces alpha-amylase inhibitors, which help regulate cholesterol levels in your body. It has carbohydrates, but it is low on the Glycemic Index(GI) scale and will not affect blood sugar levels.


Coconut is a fruit of the coconut palm family. Its flesh is rich in manganese needed for bone health. It has a lot of nutrient-rich byproducts like coconut milk, coconut oil (edible and for external body purposes), tender coconut water, and non-edible products like coir, which is used in making mats, mattresses, brooms, and baskets. It is high in calories and rich in fat and should be consumed in moderation.


Cauliflower is as healthy as other vegetables. Please don’t ignore it because it is white. It provides vitamin C, vitamin K, and the minimal amount of calcium and iron needed for our body.

Garlic and Onions

Onions are rich sources of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and folate, while garlic is also rich in the same as onions in addition to thiamin, calcium, phosphorous, copper, and manganese. They both belong to the same family. Shallots can be eaten raw in moderation to get their health benefits.

The chemicals found in them are phytochemicals that help treat certain cancers. No food can be made in any cuisine without onions and garlic, as they are fantastic taste enhancers.


Like white rice, lots of people have false opinions about potatoes. Too much of anything is good for nothing. It applies to even the best food in the world. The potato has the required amount of potassium. No other food can beat its taste


Tofu is made from soybeans and is an excellent alternative for milk allergies. It provides calcium and omega-3 fatty acids. It is an excellent substitute for meat and has low cholesterol, lowering the risk of cardiac diseases and cancer. There are a lot of fermented soy products, like nato and miso, that help in digestion.

White rice

White rice is a carbohydrate-rich food and an instant energy provider for the body. It breaks down easily during digestion, so its glucose level is also high. However, excess consumption of white rice can lead to weight gain.

It is better to take brown rice instead of white rice. You can have it in every meal and maintain a healthy weight


Sesame is a tiny white seed that is used for its flavour. It helps in controlling diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. Sesame oil is used for cooking. It is tiny but provides protein and fibre, which helps the metabolism. It is an anti-inflammatory seed that can be used as a topping.


Quinoa is a grain, and it is consumed as the primary food. It is an antioxidant and also rich in dietary fibre and protein, which help metabolism. It controls the risk of cardiac diseases. You can add this grain to every meal for its nutritional benefits.

white foods

Unhealthy White foods – To avoid to the diet

Refined flour

Refined flour is commonly known as “all-purpose flour.” White bread, White pasta, and instant noodles are all-time favourite food items. These foods are made of refined flour which is processed highly. It has zero nutrient value but is high in calories, creating all types of digestive problems.

Regular intake of these flour-made recipes can lead to cancer and other ailments. There is alternative food made of whole grain that you can consume for its health benefits.


White sugar is an unavoidable item in our day-to-day lives. It is a significant ingredient in desserts, pastries, and ice creams; hence, it is consumed by all age groups. White sugar is the first food item to be thrown out of your life. It is the processed form of sugar, which has zero nutritional value.

Brown sugar and jaggery are perfect alternatives for white sugar. Brown sugar has molasses, which provides calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium. Jaggery is rich in antioxidant qualities.

white foods


Salt is nowadays available in pink, blue, and black. White salt is essential in cooking and is also good to consume in food. Salt has sodium in it, which is needed for health. When it is added too much to a regular diet, then it creates health issues.


white foods

It is commonly known as ” Mayo”. It is made up of egg yolks, essential oil, and salt. Salt is added more than the required amount to increase its shelf life. Including mayo in your regular diet may lead to cardiac diseases as it contains high cholesterol.

Take away

Health is wealth. Health is more important than taste. All unhealthy white foods are taste enhancers and not for health benefits. Food should always provide energy to run life. It should not be a disease creator to our body.

It is not recommended to avoid all foods that are white in colour. Colour is not a deciding factor for health. Check the nutrient value before it comes to your plate. This article is helpful. Please do let me know through your comments.


The article above is for information purposes only. This is not professional medical advice.

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  1. Pingback: Why is organic brown sugar better than white sugar? 3 unknown healthy facts

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