How to manage your newborn’s sleep schedule?

There are few things as beautiful and awe-inspiring as the first moments of your child’s life. However, new parents soon discover that caring for a newborn is more challenging than they ever imagined. Newborns require around-the-clock monitoring and care, which can become overwhelming at times. Sleep deprivation is common among new parents, and it doesn’t get easier over time.

As your baby grows older, you may begin to wonder if there’s a logical explanation behind their erratic sleep habits. Fortunately, there are ways to manage your newborn’s sleep schedule and establish a routine without sacrificing your own well-being in the process.

Establish a Routine

newborn's sleep schedule

Understanding how your baby’s sleep cycle works is the first step in establishing a routine. Newborns sleep in short intervals, known as “sleep cycles,” which are divided into two stages. The first is called “rapid eye movement,” or REM, and is similar to the sleep cycles we experience as adults. However, newborns spend approximately 50% of their sleep time in the second stage, which is also known as “non-rapid eye movement” or NREM sleep. The length of each sleep cycle varies depending on your child’s age. Newborns typically spend 10 to 12 hours in REM, while NREM sleep cycles range between 30 to 36 minutes. After a few months, your baby’s sleep cycle will change to a more mature rhythm. Newborns who are regularly fed and changed are capable of sleeping a longer stretch at night, averaging around 5 hours.

Create a Safe Sleeping Environment

Babies are delicate, and they require protection from external hazards such as loose blankets, pillows, and other soft items. In many cases, these items can pose a hazard to your child and cause suffocation. The safest sleeping environment for your newborn is one without soft items or loose covers. Yet, this doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of basic comforts. Instead, try using “tethering items,” such as a silk sleep sack, which secures your baby’s arms and legs. If you’re concerned about how your sleeping arrangements are affecting your newborn, talk to your doctor. While many parents are adamant about following safe sleeping practices, others feel that it’s not necessary. Regardless of your feelings, it’s important to remember that your newborn is at risk for SIDS and other hazards.

Don’t Confine Your Baby to a Bed

newborn's sleep schedule

Babies thrive when they’re surrounded by a stimulating environment. The more exposure your little one has to the world, the quicker they’ll learn how to navigate it. Babies who are regularly confined to a bed or crib have difficulty learning how to move and interact with their surroundings. While you may be tempted to leave your child in a safe environment while they sleep, it’s important to keep them active by regularly removing them from their bed. While it’s true that newborns need a lot of sleep, you should still resist the urge to leave them in their crib or bed for extended periods of time. The longer your child is confined, the less they’ll learn.

Establish newborn’s sleep schedule – Light Behaviors During the Day and Dark Behaviors at Night

One of the best ways to establish a sleep routine is to manipulate the light in your baby’s room. By increasing the amount of light in your child’s room during the day, you can help them stay awake for longer periods of time. Likewise, lowering the amount of light in your baby’s room as the sun sets can help them prepare for bed. This is known as “light therapy” and might be an effective way to manage your newborn’s sleep schedule. If you want to try light therapy, keep in mind that the change must happen consistently. Otherwise, it won’t have the desired effect. If you decide to implement light therapy, it’s important to discuss your plans with your doctor first.

 How to wake your baby for feeding?

 If your baby is taking a long nap at day time ,  here are some ways to wake them to feed

  • Rub their feet or ears gently
  • Wipe their face with a wet wipe ( not so cold)
  • Unswaddle them and check if they need a diaper change
  • Put your newborn in bed for a little tummy time when you prepare their feed.
  • We know it is tough to wake them as well as to make them sleep, but once when they start falling into a routine, it will be easy for you and your baby. Feed them at regular intervals. Don’t allow them to sleep for long hours without a feed as they have a small stomach.

Talk to Your Baby

If you have a difficult time falling asleep, you know that talking to yourself is a surefire way to keep yourself awake. While it’s natural to assume that talking to your newborn is a bad idea, it’s actually quite beneficial. Talking to your child during the day, while they’re awake, is a great way to stimulate their senses. If you don’t know what to say, try engaging in a routine conversation. You might be surprised to find out how quickly your little one becomes accustomed to the sound of your voice. While talking to your baby might seem silly, it can actually help them fall asleep. Newborn’s sleep schedule should be comfortable for you and your baby. It shouldn’t affect your baby’s tummy time.


Newborns require a lot of attention, care, and love. While caring for a newborn is challenging, it doesn’t have to be a source of frustration. There are ways to manage your newborn’s sleep schedule and establish a routine that works for you both. If you’re having trouble sleeping, these tips can also be applied to your sleep habits. A warm bath, a gentle massage with a lullaby, a feed with a cuddle, dim light, and a few lovely words, kisses, and hugs can help your baby to go to bed. Make them sleep in the same crib or bed so that it will become a practice for them to sleep. Don’t force them to sleep. They are the same as adults in every behavior. It is good if they have short naps in

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