Tea varieties and health benefits to our mental wellness


There is a lot of talk about the health benefits of tea. It can be used as a supplement you can use daily, and it will make you more productive. Drinking tea at a moderated level reduces the stress hormone cortisol. Recent research has found that drinking green tea regularly in a minimal quantity reduces depression and dementia. There are many tea varieties available in the market.

Every tea has its flavor and owns positive power. This article speaks about tea varieties and their health benefits. The most popular tea varieties are white, black, oolong, green, and herbal tea. Some herbal tea varieties are Ashwagandha, Chamomile, Hibiscus, Senna and Rooibos.

Tea varieties are a great alternative to carbonated drinks

Tea is an excellent alternative to carbonated drinks. While it may have less sugar than soda, juice, etc., tea is still a healthier option than other drinks. It contains antioxidants that help slow down aging and reduce cancer risk. In addition, since drinking tea can help you lose weight by burning calories faster than other liquids (like water), it’s also better for your heart health!

As we age, we tend to prefer more robust flavors in our foods—especially when they’re sweet or sour. But if you want to keep yourself feeling youthful instead of old-fashioned (and avoid any risks associated with processed foods), try switching up how many servings of fruit you each day with some herbal teas instead.

Tea has lower caffeine than Coffee

tea varieties

While coffee is a popular drink, tea has some health benefits for our mental wellness.

  • Tea contains less caffeine than coffee, which means it’s less likely to cause side effects like insomnia or anxiety. Because of this, many people prefer drinking tea over coffee at night because of its ability to relax them and help them fall asleep quicker.
  •  Tea contains more antioxidants than coffee does—and these antioxidants have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve pain associated with arthritis or other joint problems. You can feel better physically and mentally if you’re suffering from an illness such as multiple sclerosis (MS).

Tea can be used as a supplement you can use daily

Tea can be used as a supplement you can use daily. Drinking tea in the morning and at night is beneficial since it helps with stress and insomnia. Tea can also help with headaches, weight loss, digestion and more! Drinking tea daily, about 1-2 cups, is related to reduced cardiac diseases, stroke and type 2 diabetes. However, when the intake goes beyond moderation, it will lead to specific health issues.

Tea can help keep you focus when work gets rough

black tea

Tea is a great alternative to carbonated drinks. It can help you stay focused and awake, as well as keep your brain in good shape. Tea is a great way to get the caffeine you need without feeling jittery or wired. In addition, tea contains antioxidants that may reduce the risk of certain diseases like heart disease and cancer by fighting free radicals in the body.

Tea will make u more productive

tea varieties and mental health

Tea is an excellent alternative to coffee, which has been proven to affect your brain adversely. Drinking tea can help you focus when work gets rough. Tea contains antioxidants that protect the brain from damage caused by free radicals, molecules produced when we breathe out carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Tea also contains caffeine, but less than coffee does—which means it’s safe for most people who want a jolt of energy but don’t want the crash afterward (or even worse, weight gain). And unlike other forms of caffeine like chocolate bars or soda pop drinks that might contain trans fats from partially hydrogenated oils in their manufacturing process (which can cause heart disease), green teas made with unrefined ingredients aren’t processed through high heat like black teas do before being packaged up into single servings at places like Starbucks; therefore there aren’t any artificial sweeteners added either.

Tea varieties

tea varieties

White tea health benefits

It is extracted from the Camellia Sinensis plant, which is native to China and India. It is one of the least processed tea varieties. The variety of tea is based on the process it undergoes. A recent study shows that it is the most effective health benefits tea with a high level of antioxidants. It helps in fighting various forms of cancer. It contains the least amount of caffeine.

Herbal tea health benefits

Herbal tea is also similar to white tea, but they have spices, herbs, fruits or other plants along with tea leaves.

Tea varietyHealth benefits
AshwagandhaCalming effect
Lemon teaImproves bad mood
Ginger teaSleep problems
Chamomile teaReduces anxiety
Oat straw teaCognitive function
Peppermint teaBloating, diarrhea or any bowel disorders
Senna teaDigestion
RooibosRegulates blood circulation
HibiscusImproves liver health

Green tea benefits

Green tea is processed in some countries using roasting, pan-firing or steaming. The health benefit of green tea is lowering bad cholesterol and controlling blood pressure. It is anti-inflammatory, which keeps your skin clear and glowing.

Black tea health benefits

Black tea is extracted from the Camellia sinensis plant, that’s the same plant for making green tea. It is darker and rich in flavor due to its fermentation process. It is high in caffeine, and regular intake is not recommended.

Oolong tea health benefits

Oolong tea is also made from the same camellia sinensis plant but differs in its process. Green tea is not oxidized; black tea is completely oxidized, whereas oolong is partially oxidized. It has l-theanine, which helps prevent cognitive diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It contains polyphenols which are anti-inflammatory and also help in preventing a specific type of cancer.


All kinds of tea varieties have many health benefits for our mental wellness. This article has taught you to drink more tea and think positively about yourself. You may be surprised at how much better your mind can get when working in the office or studying at home with a nice cup of tea.

Daily intake shouldn’t exceed the limit. A cup of tea will always refresh your mind so drink whenever needed. Caffeine will wake you up and keeps you strong when it is in moderation.

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